I am pleased to announce a new preprint containing results of our work on AI-assisted TAS experiments. Together with the PANDA team around Astrid Schneidewind and Christian Franz, Georg Brandl from the MLZ Instrument Control Group, Uwe Stuhr (EIGER instrument responsible at PSI), and Marina Ganeva, leader of the MLZ Data Driven Discovery Group that I am part of, I spent a lot of energy in providing evidence on the benefits and good performance of our approach ARIANE (ARtificial Intelligence-Assisted Neutron Experiments).

The manuscript is an outcome of the project AINX (Artificial Intelligence for Neutron and X-ray scattering) funded by the Helmholtz AI cooperation unit of the German Helmholtz Association.

I would like to thank all the co-authors of this manuscript very much for their help making the good results possible. I am looking forward to and curious about our next steps in the project and how we will approach them.