Published: Generalized bounds for active subspaces
I am very proud to annouce to our article Generalized bounds for active subspaces from Jonas Wallin, Barbara Wohlmuth, and me was accepted and published in Electronic Journal of Statistics which is open access.
I explained here (v1) and here (v2, revised) what the article is about.
Journal link: doi:10.1214/20-EJS1684
arXiv link: arXiv:1910.01399
Abstract. In this article, we consider scenarios in which traditional estimates for the active subspace method based on probabilistic Poincaré inequalities are not valid due to unbounded Poincaré constants. Consequently, we propose a framework that allows to derive generalized estimates in the sense that it enables to control the trade-off between the size of the Poincaré constant and a weaker order of the final error bound. In particular, we investigate independently exponentially distributed random variables in dimension two or larger and give explicit expressions for corresponding Poincaré constants showing their dependence on the dimension of the problem. Finally, we suggest possibilities for future work that aim for extending the class of distributions applicable to the active subspace method as we regard this as an opportunity to enlarge its usability.