The last part of this semester’s ProLehre compact course took part this Tuesday. I already made a series of posts for previous parts (kickoff, part I, part II and part III).

Our teachers Dr. Vanessa Krummeck (TUM) and Dr. Emil Ratko-Dehnert (ProLehre) were talking about reflection and evaluation of lectures.

For reflection, We were given some time to think about our wishes, needs and priorities and discussed them afterwards in our group. Typical question we were asked to answer for us were e.g.

  • What do others expect from us? (And who is others?)
  • What do we expect from ourselves in different areas of life like job, society, family etc.
  • What do we need to teach well? And when are we satisfied with ourselves?

Emil was telling us important things about evaluation. In particular, he spoke about how to interpret outcomes of a teaching poll or other types of evaluation of lectures.

As this was our last meeting, we were sitting together outside to have dinner with large pizza, sodas and some beers. It was nice that our two other teachers, Rudolf Aichner (ProLehre) and Pit Forster (Forum Momentum), were joining us to have a great time. I was so happy at that evening that I was part of the course and that I got to know some of my PhD colleagues.

Thanks to all for taking part, giving input, giving feedback and contributing to the course!